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I didn't go to Art school. I am a self - taught artist.
I don't know how I started to draw with pencil. Earlier, I drew with ink and I loved it.
I found a great pencil drawings and I wanted to see if I can do it the same way as those marvelous artists I was so mesmerised with.
As always with me, when I'm interested in something, I start researching.
Since I didn't know where to start, I searched about the technique and drawing materials, watched many tutorials '' How to...'', I bought pencils that I needed, even those I didn't need, from 5H to 8B, Sketch pad and I started drawing.
At first, like the others, I drew what I saw somewhere and what I liked.
I've been practicing by looking at demanding drawings of great and serious artists. Perhaps it was too ambitious ,but I believed in myself. And here is the result! :-)
I am the kind of person who is not attracted by simple and easy things, they can't inspire me and motivate me. Luckily for me my talent and my inner force didn't betray me. They were on my side.
After a couple of ''light'' drawings (two or three) ,I had to give to myself a bigger task. I took a drawing of an artist and I tried to draw what I saw. My first efforts of conquering this technique were objectified as couple of reproductions.
And there are six of them. They were the reason I decided to stick with this technique.
This drawing is one of those six.
There's nothing like a feeling that you succeeded in what you wanted.
Life is all about having big goals and striving for accomplishment. Everyone whose name is deeply engraved in this world's history came to that by dreaming large, because they dreamed more than others, because they believed more, because they worked more,... And it all started from a tiny idea and a great dream.
My journey as an artist my life worthwhile to live. I just loved it!
Thanks for join me!
Xoxoxo from Serbia!
Sending love to all of you all over the Globe!
Helena Mishich
I didn't go to Art school. I am a self - taught artist.
I don't know how I started to draw with pencil. Earlier, I drew with ink and I loved it.
I found a great pencil drawings and I wanted to see if I can do it the same way as those marvelous artists I was so mesmerised with.
As always with me, when I'm interested in something, I start researching.
Since I didn't know where to start, I searched about the technique and drawing materials, watched many tutorials '' How to...'', I bought pencils that I needed, even those I didn't need, from 5H to 8B, Sketch pad and I started drawing.
At first, like the others, I drew what I saw somewhere and what I liked.
I've been practicing by looking at demanding drawings of great and serious artists. Perhaps it was too ambitious ,but I believed in myself. And here is the result! :-)
I am the kind of person who is not attracted by simple and easy things, they can't inspire me and motivate me. Luckily for me my talent and my inner force didn't betray me. They were on my side.
After a couple of ''light'' drawings (two or three) ,I had to give to myself a bigger task. I took a drawing of an artist and I tried to draw what I saw. My first efforts of conquering this technique were objectified as couple of reproductions.
And there are six of them. They were the reason I decided to stick with this technique.
This drawing is one of those six.
There's nothing like a feeling that you succeeded in what you wanted.
Life is all about having big goals and striving for accomplishment. Everyone whose name is deeply engraved in this world's history came to that by dreaming large, because they dreamed more than others, because they believed more, because they worked more,... And it all started from a tiny idea and a great dream.
My journey as an artist my life worthwhile to live. I just loved it!
Thanks for join me!
Xoxoxo from Serbia!
Sending love to all of you all over the Globe!
Helena Mishich
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Graphite on paper! Reproduction by Jelena Misic (original painting Brian Duey) |
Nisam isla u umetnicku skolu,niti sam se skolovala u tom pravcu. Samouka sam.
Ne znam bas tacno da vam kazem kada i kako sam pocela da crtam olovkom. Ranije sam crtala tusem i volela sam taj pravac. Naisla sam na odlicne radove u olovci, i htela da probam mogu li i ja da nacrtam to isto, kao i ti sjajni umenici ciji su me radovi odusevili.
Kao sto je i slucaj sa mnom, kada me nesto interesuje, pocnem sto vise da istrazujem.
Posto nisam znala odakle da pocnem, citala sam dosta o tehnici i o materijalima, gledala sam dosta tutorijala tipa ''Kako da...'' , kupila sam olovke koje su mi bile potrebne, cak i one koje i nisu, od 5H do 8B, blok za crtanje kvalitetnijeg papira i pocela da crtam.
Na samom pocetku,kao i svi, crtala sam ono sto sam videla negde i sto bi mi se dopalo. Nalazila sam zahtevne radove, vec afirmisanih umetnika i gledajuci ih, vezbala. Mozda je to bilo i preambiciozno, ali pretpostavljam da sam verovala u sebe. I eto rezultata ! ;)
Ja sam od onih ljudi koji ne vole lake i jednostavne stvari, jer me ne inspirisu i ne motivisu. Srecom, talenat i ''Ja to mogu'' me nisu izdali i bili su na mojoj strani.
Posle par ''laksih'' crteza (dva,tri), morala sam sebi da zadam tezi zadatak. Uzela sam crtez jednog umetnika i pocela da crtam ono sto vidim. Moj prvi pokusaj da ovladam ovom tehnikom je bio sa par reprodukcija. Od svih crteza reprodukcija imam ukupno sest. Oni su i razlog zbog kog sam i dalje u ovoj tehnici. Ovaj crtez je jedan od tih sest.
U zivotu treba stremiti najboljem i imati visoka ocekivanja od sebe. Svako cije ime nesto na ovom svetu znaci, dosao je do toga jer je imao velike snove, jer su sanjali jace od drugih, jer su verovali vise, jer su radili vise,... I sve je krenulo od ideje... i velikog sna!
Moje putovanje kao umetnik je vredno zivota! Volim ga!
Hvala vam sto ste mi se pridruzili i ovog puta i bili tu da ispratite i ovaj post!
Saljem ljubav svima sirom planete!
Jelena Misic