
Thanks for stopping by! If you love art,drawing,hand painted wine glasses and many other things ,then you've come to right place!

Art is long,but life is short!

уторак, 29. јануар 2013.

Sasha Alexander

Graphite on paper by Jelena Misic 2012
      Hello my world friends. How are you holding up today? I am fine when I am with you! :)
  So,do you watch ''Rizzoli & Isles''?! If you haven't watched it before, take a look of it!
  In this post I will represent to you my drawing of the actress from this show!

  Sasha Alexander (born Suzana ''Sasha'' Drobnjakovic - in Los Angeles, California, to a Serbian mother and Italian father. :) .She speaks Serbian and Italian quite well.
 She currently stars as Chief Medical Examiner Maura Isles on the TNT series Rizzoli & Isles.
 The show is really fun. I love it! The creators of Rizzoli & Isles put new life into an old idea. I look forward to each episode.
  Because of that,I drew portrait of Sasha Alexander... and one of the reason is that she is Serbian,too. :))
Sasha Alexander is an incredibly talented actress and is a sweetheart to her fans. She joined Twitter to interact with her fans and answers our tweets.

   I'd love to hear your opinion on this drawing! Graphite on paper! Please feel free to join it the discussion. 
 I love to say that I was born to create! :)))
  If you want to be successful at something then of course...you've got to love it! In my case drawing IS my passion. Ever since I've been able to hold a pencil,it's been something I just loved doing. I've always loved drawing and I've been doing it ever since I can remember. It's something that I enjoy and that I'm passionate about.
 What do you think about this portrait? 
Thanks for join me!

Xoxoxox from Serbia!

Sending love to all of you all over the Globe!

Until the next time...stay well and be passionate about what you do.

Yours truly
Helena Misich

  Pozdrav moji priatelji sirom sveta! Kako ste mi danas? Kada god sam sa vama ja sam dobro! :)
  Da li gledate ''Rizzoli & Isles''? Ako niste gledali ranije,odgledajte!
  U ovom post-u vam predstavljam crtez glumice iz ove serije.

   Sasha Alexander ( rodjena Suzana Drobnjakovic,u Los Andjelesu, u Kaliforniji, od majke Srpkinje i oca Italijana). Prilicno dobro govori i srpski i italijanski.
  Zvezda je TNT serije ''Rizzoli & Isles'' u ulozi Glavnog Medicinskog istrazitelja, Maure Ajsles.
  Serija je stvarno zabavna. Volim je! Tvorci ''Rizzoli & Isles''  oziveli su jednu staru pricu. Radujem se svakoj epizodi! 
Bas zato sam i nacrtala portret Sase Aleksandar ... a naravno ,jos jedan razlog je i to jer je poreklom iz Srbije.  :))
 Sasha je neverovatno talentovana glumica i predivna je prema svojim fanovima! Pridruzila se twitter-u kako bi komunicirala sa svojim fanovima i odogovala nam na pitanja.

    Volela bih da cujem vase miljenje o ovom crtezu.Grafit na papiru! Slobodno ucestvujte u diskusiji...

    Volim da kazem da sam rodjena da stvaram! :)
 Ako zelite da budete uspesni u necemu,morate ,naravno,to da volite! U mom slucaju,crtanje JESTE moja strast. Svaki put kada sam bila u prilici da drzim olovku,je bilo nesto sto sam volela da radim. Crtam od detinjstva. U tome uzivam i u tome sam strastvena i tome sam predana!

 Sta mislite o ovom portretu?!
 Hvala sto ste bili tu i ispratili i ovaj post.

Puno poljubaca iz Srbije!

Do sledeceg puta,budite mi dobro i budite strastveni u onome cime se bavite!

Jelena Misic

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