Hello my world friends! Hope you're okay!
Today we are in entertainment industry,in the world of the rich and famous,glamour and shine ...
That world is fascinating for many of us.
However,one thing is true... Today's post is about the movie that we all love and we saw several times.
If there is someone who has not seen this movie, I recommend it. You will not regret it,that's for sure. I have probably seen it hundred times, and I can watch it over and over!
I represent to you my drawing of wonderful Lorraine Bracco as Karen,scene from ''Goodfellas'' ( ''Wake up Henry!'' scene). She is best known for her role as Dr. Jennifer Melfi on the HBO series The Sopranos !
It took me like ten hours to draw that.Graphite on paper!What do you think?!
Xoxoxoxox from Serbia!
Find the perfect movie to watch with your friends or loved ones! Sending love to all of you all over the Globe!
Until the next time...stay well!
Helena Misich

Danas smo u show biznisu,svetu slavnih i bogatih,glamura i sjaja,...
Taj svet je fascinantan i privlacan za mnoge od nas.
Medjutim,jedna stvar je sigurna ... Danasnji post je o filmu koji svi volimo i koji smo gledali nekoliko puta.
Ako postoji neko ko ga nije odgledao,preporucujem ga. Necete zazaliti,ako nista drugo.mMislim da sam ga gledala stotinu puta i uvek mogu ponovo da ga gledam.
Predstavljam vam moj crtez predivne Lorraine Bracco u ulozi Karen,scena iz filma ''Dobri momci'' (scena ''Probudi se ,Henri!'' ). Poznata je i po svojoj ulozi dr.Melfi u seriji ''Soprano''.
Grafit na papiru! Sta mislite?!
Puno poljubaca iz Srbije!
Nadjite vas savrseni film koji cete odgledati sa svojim priateljima i voljenima!Saljem ljubav svima vama sirom planete!
Do sledeceg puta... budite mi dobro!
Jelena Misic
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Graphite on paper by Jelena Misic |

Nisam cula za ovaj film do sada, ali bacicu pogled :)
ОдговориИзбришиJedan od boljih je... :-):-)