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Original pencil drawing by Jelena Misic,Serbia. Graphite on paper! |
Hello guys! :)
In today's post I'll show you my drawing of one beautiful boy!
This sweet little guy will completely inspire you today!
With this in mind, today's post will be all about inspiration!
With all the crazy things that happen in life, it's easy to lose sight of our goals and what's really important. Sometimes we need a simple reminder of how lucky we are to be living this life, and sharing it with those around us!
I always try to see the big picture Life isn't always as complicated as we make it and everyday is a new beginning. Sometimes we just need a little motivation not to give up!
Just remember there is always someone out there that is more than happy with less than what you have!
Life is good!

Rule #1 of life: Do what makes YOU happy!
Think different!
Be inspired!
They believed!They worked for it! They did it!
"Don't worry about a thing,
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right.''
Sending love to all of you all over the Globe!
I hope you find inspiration in these inspiring videos and pictures!
And I hope you like my drawing!
Xoxoxox from Serbia
Yours Helena Mishich
U danasnjem post-u cu vam predstaviti crtez jednog lepog decaka! Ovaj slatkis ce vas , sigurna sam, inspirisati!
Uz sve ludosti koje nam se desavaju u zivotu, lako nam se moze desiti da izgubimo iz vida svoj cilj i sta je zaista vazno!
Ponekada nam je jednostavno potreban podsetnik koliko smo uopste srecni sto smo zivi i sto ga delimo sa onima koji nas okruzuju!
Uvek pokusavam da vidim ''Vecu sliku''! Zivot nije uvek toliko komplikovan koliko ga mi cinimo komplikovanim, jer svaki dan je novi pocetak. Ponekad nam je potrebno malo dodatne motivacije kako ne bi odustali!
Zapamtite da uvek postoji neko ko je i vise nego srecan sa mnogo manje od onoga sto vi imate! Budite zahvalni!
Zivot je lep! A, sada...
Gubite se i pronadjite sebe! :)
Ne plasite se da stanete iza svojih uverenja, makar to znacilo da stojite sami!
Nadam se da cete naci inspiraciju u ovim snimcima i slikama , i da vam se dopada moj crtez!
Budite mi dobro!
Jelena Misic
Very nice post!
ОдговориИзбришиYou have a great blog :)
Coline ♡
Thank you dear! :) <3
Избришиxx from Serbia