
Thanks for stopping by! If you love art,drawing,hand painted wine glasses and many other things ,then you've come to right place!

Art is long,but life is short!

среда, 27. март 2013.

Pharmacy Pavlović

Hello guys...
One quick post for my lovely readers!  Last two days I painted 10 glasses. How do I managed this? Don't ask. No sleep, no break,... But, I think it's worth it! I had an order for Pharmacy Pavlovich... Here are the photos...

Hope you like it!
Xoxoxo from Serbia...
Sending love  to all of you all over the Globe...
Helena Misich...

Ćao svima...
Jedan brzi post za moje drage čitaoce ! Zadnja dva dana oslikala sam deset časa. Kako sam uspela? Ne pitajte! Malo sna, bez pauze... Mada mislim da se isplatilo. Imala sam narudzbinu za Apoteku Pavlović... Evo slika!
Nadam se da vam se dopadaju!

Ljubim vas...
Jelena Misic

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