Hello guys! How are you holding up today?!
Today I have one drawing reproduction for you! This is a drawing I did around the same time as the Flash Royal reproduction I posted, in the same effort of improving my drawing skills.
The drawing was done in 2012. as I was teaching myself to draw better.Hope you like it!
What drawings mean to me? I really don't know. The activity absorbs me. I forgot everything else in a way that I don't think happens with any other activity.
Xoxoxox from Serbia!
Sending love to all of you all over the Globe!
Helena Mishich

Pozdrav svima! Kako ste mi danas?
Imam za vas jednu reprodukciju! Ovaj crtez sam uradila u isto vreme kad i Flash Royal, u koji sam ulozila isto toliko truda kako bi usavrsila svoju tehniku.
Crtez sam uradila 2012. godine dok sam podsticala sebe i ucila da crtam bolje. Nadam se da vam se dopada!
Sta mi crtanje znaci? Zaista ne znam! Sama aktivnost me razlaze. Zaboravljam sve drugo na nacin na koji mislim da nijedna druga aktivnost ne moze.
Puno poljubaca!
Jelena Misic
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